
Speaking Truth About Recidivism Inc
About STAR

Speaking Truth About Recidivism Inc

STAR began as the Veterans Life Skills Program, an 18-month residential initiative offering 10 comprehensive rehabilitation courses alongside 105 hours of group sessions. However, with prison overcrowding and limited space for programs, we faced a common nationwide challenge: logistics. Most prisons were not built for rehabilitation, making it nearly impossible to find space for groups, classes, and self-help programs. This logistical hurdle extends across the country, severely limiting access to rehabilitation programs and contributing to high and preventable recidivism rates.

A Story To Our Journey

Making a Difference in Rehabilitation

The Challenge of Limited Rehabilitation Opportunities

The Prison System's Limitations

The limitations in prisons for rehabilitation programs are significant. Overcrowding, limited resources, and the lack of suitable space for educational and self-help initiatives create obstacles for meaningful rehabilitation.

The National Recidivism Issue

The United States holds the unfortunate distinction of being the world leader in incarceration. By the end of 2020, there were more than 1.8 million incarcerated Americans. Each year, more than 600,000 individuals are released from state and federal prisons, with another 9 million released from local jails. Shockingly, most of them never get the chance to attend any form of rehabilitation. We release individuals with the same issues they had when incarcerated, leading to high recidivism rates.

The Importance of Rehabilitation

Understanding Recidivism
Recidivism is the cycle of previously convicted individuals reoffending and reentering the prison system. It places a significant burden on the criminal justice system and society as a whole.
The Power of Rehabilitation Programs
Studies consistently show that rehabilitation programs, educational courses, and self-help workbooks have a dramatic impact on reducing recidivism rates. Our goal is to provide inmates with access to the materials they need to make positive changes in their lives while incarcerated.

The Encyclopedia of Self Help Workbook

Creating Positive Change
The Encyclopedia of Self Help workbook was created to help incarcerated individuals identify and change their Corrupt Core Belief System. Our mission is to ensure that every incarcerated individual in the Nation, regardless of their type of confinement or financial situation, has access to this self-help opportunity.
Our Goal: Access for All
We firmly believe that the opportunity for change while incarcerated should not be based on financial means. For the sake of their future and that of society, individuals should have access to self-help resources. With your support and donations, we can make this a reality and help develop citizens who will be assets to their communities.

Mental Health and Rehabilitation

Addressing Mental Health
A significant portion of incarcerated individuals have been diagnosed with mental health illnesses, yet many do not receive any form of mental health treatment during their incarceration.
Importance of Mental Health Care
Accessible mental health care and substance abuse recovery programs can provide proper diagnosis and comprehensive treatment. This can significantly reduce the probability of individuals with mental health issues, addictions, and behavioral problems relapsing into destructive habits.

The Power of Education and Support

Benefits of Rehabilitation Programs
Participation in rehabilitation programs significantly reduces the likelihood of reincarceration. For every dollar spent on rehabilitation and education, we save four to five dollars on the cost of reincarceration.
Equipping for Success
Providing tools for success to incarcerated individuals equips them to make rational choices, leading to healthier decision-making upon reentry into society. Education can work wonders in reshaping decision-making abilities.
Active Campaigns

Some Good Causes

Supporting Our Cause

Your Contribution Matters

Your donations and support directly contribute to the success of STAR's programs. Every dollar can make a significant difference in the lives of incarcerated individuals striving for rehabilitation.

Volunteer-Driven Commitment

It's important to note that STAR's staff are all volunteers, and no one takes a salary. Additionally, the author of the book, Encyclopedia of Self Help, has personally pledged 50% of any earnings from the book to be donated to other nonprofits, such as aid for victims of violent crimes and youth rescue programs.

Your Support Drives Our Mission

We appreciate your interest in our cause and your willingness to support our mission to reduce recidivism and promote rehabilitation. Every contribution helps us create a brighter future for those affected by the justice system.